Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy Healthy New Year to You All!

Some Great News Just For YOU....
                                                               YOU CAN STAY HEALTHY...
                                    YOU CAN STAY AT THE "RIGHT'    
We all know about the current statistics concerning the excess weight that Americans have accumulated.  Let me state the recent percentages.  About 60% of Americans are overweight and about 30% are obese; including children.  The problem has become so bad that the Centers for Disease Control says,"American society has become "obesogenic", characterized by environments that promote increased food intake, nonhealthful foods, and physical inactivity."

                          WHAT CAN WE DO?????

1.  Adopt a sound weight management program because "fad diets" DO NOT work, and there is no 
     "magic pill".

2.  Change what you are eating IF it is NOT healthy or it's nutritionally deficient.

3.  Consider implementing herbs and even cleansing your body through a good nutritional cleanse.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Holidays Everyone! ...... let's really watch what we eat.........

Ho!  Don't be tricked by the Holiday Goodies....WARNING! .... Please READ the labels as you go shopping during these wonderful  holiday days ahead.  There are Plenty of delicious great tasting foods for you to choose from, so I encourage you to take a few extra moments to stay away from these following, very negative and aggravating ingredients:
MSG (monosodium glutamate), sugar solids, aspartame, corn syrup solids, artificial food coloring, hydrogenated oils, nitrates....   also, when you see a whole LONG list of ingredients>>>>BEWARE!

There are more "bad-for-you" ingredients, but these are the basic ones that can really cause negative health problems, especially when these ingredients are ingested time and time again. 

STAY TUNED for some great ideas for fun and healthy holiday eating!!

Below you will find a link to learning more about sugars.......CLICK ON IT>>>>>>>>>>>>

High Fructose Corn Syrup
Is a type of Sugar. Get Your Corn Sugar Facts Here

Monday, November 15, 2010

Immune System

Well, Bloggers... How are you feeling?  Are you well?  With the weather changing and the winter fast approaching, we need to make sure our immune systems stay strong.  Look at the following information on one very important mineral that is crucial to staying healthy.

The mineral zinc boosts the immune system. It also
coats the mouth and throat, preventing some germs from
taking up residence there. When unwanted invaders
can’t get a strong foothold in the mouth or throat, they
often struggle to proliferate, shortening the duration and
intensity of a cold or flu.


Until next time Blogger Friends...stay warm and healthy!


Sunday, October 31, 2010


                                                            Hey Healthy Bloggers

I just wanted to inform you that from time to time I will post some really important Health points for you to process and utilize as part of your Healthy Living regime.  I will entitle it "Healthwise".   Be on the lookout for these pertinent insights.  After you have read all about that particular issue, pass on that important information to friends and family members, so they too can live as healthy individuals in charge of their own health!

                                               Here is your first HEALTHWISE pointer:                              

     What’s  in your                                                         
           By: Lenora Hughes, RN
   Could it be a pesticide? Yes I said a pesticide! I bet you never thought to look at the ingredients in your toothpaste! All of us trusting souls assume that the manufacturers have our best interest as heart, so we buy & use these products without ever giving it a second thought! Well guess what, the big guys don’t care about what harm their products are doing! Money is their motivation! The pesticide that is in some toothpastes & hundreds of other health and beauty items is Triclosan. It is a pesticide that the government “proposed’ to regulate over 30 years ago. They were supposed to study its affects on humans & wildlife but, you guessed it, they never studied it. So now, for over 30 years, Triclosan has been killing sperm and damaging the female reproductive system. When Triclosan gets into our water - fish die. These are powerful chemicals that kill sperm, damage the thyroid gland & cause cancer. The toxicity concerns with Triclosan have been linked to Dioxin, a potentially carcinogenic substance. When Triclosan is exposed to sunlight it converts to a toxic form of Dioxin.
The national Resources Defense Council, an environmental group, is suing the Federal government over their lack of regulations on Triclosan and Triclocarban. So until this issue is resolved, it is up to each and every one of us to be knowledgeable and read labels. Stay away from products containing these toxic chemicals! Recently, studies have found and the FDA has surprisingly admitted, that anti-microbial soaps are no better at killing germs then plain old soap. To make matters worse, the overuse of these products along with antibiotics have created drug resistant super bugs like MRSA. We have become antibacterial crazed. We are so worried about bacteria, we are causing a super bug situation that will most likely become an epidemic of tragic proportions. So be smart, help yourself and everyone else too by● staying away from these Triclosan containing products.
Below is a short list of some of the products containing Triclosan. If you would like a complete list as well as more information, go to , , and .
•Colgate Total Toothpaste
•Neutrogena Deep Clean Body Scrub Bar
•Lever 2000 Special Moisture Response
•CVS Anti-bacterial Hand Soap
•Dial Liquid Soap & Anti-bacterial Bar Soap
•Clean & Clear Oil Free Foaming Facial Cleanser
•Dawn Complete Antibacterial Dish Liquid
•Ajax Antibacterial Dish Liquid
•Right Guard Sport Deodorant
Remember. If it says Antibacterial on the label it is likely to contain Triclosan. Check the ingredients list to determine if it contains Triclosan or Triclocarban.
Stay Healthy !!!


Monday, October 25, 2010

Strengthen Your Immune System!

Strengthen Your Immune System

Now how do we keep ALL those invaders we've discussed out of our bodies?

Well, you may say that you don't have any of those horrible things inside of you because you feel just fine.  We all live in this world filled with all kinds of bugs, microscopic critters, pollution, germs, etc., and many times eat WRONG foods, ...SO...we all will have at some point or another any one or more of these invaders inside our bodies.  Yeah it's a nasty thought, but I am here to help give you some simple healthy guidelines on HOW TO be aware of the facts and WHAT TO DO about it.

Okay, here's a VERY IMPORTANT question I have to ask you, {as gross as you may say this question is, it's pertinent to the very point that I stated above}; how many times in one day do you eliminate your foods?  In other words, how many times do you go #two???!!!

I'll wait till I hear back from you, then fill you in on the correct, healthy answer!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Welcome and enjoy browsing this blog for some good and healthy tips just 4 You!

Are you having a great day, Bloggers?  How is your health, today?? 

                                                        Really, how are you feeling?

Do you feel:
1. sluggish?                        4. bloated
2. just plain tired?              5.overwhelmed?
3. in pain?

Are you:
1. craving certain foods?
2. overweight?
3. underweight?

Well friend,  I would like to offer you some great ways to a healthy, happy lifestyle.  As you follow along in my blogs, you will be informed of the many ways that you can get your body looking and feeling great!  As I offer you different good healthy ideas, why not  ask God what specific ways, products and ideas are just for you!  Hey, HE knows you best...HE created you.  God knows what should go into your body and how you should exercise your body at this precise time in your life.

The first way to start feeling better has already been addressed in my blogs.  I so encourage you to cut out sodas and begin drinking WATER!  A soda here and there is okay, but I'd like you to see how many sodas and even cups of coffee you can cut out the rest of this month.  Then drop me a note to let me know how you are doing.
Talk to you later...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This photo shows some common, very disgusting looking and very harmful 
parasites.  In all actuality, and as horrible as it sounds, many people are walking 
around today with these creatures living inside of them.  If parasites go undetected,
they can do real damage to someone's organs and insides.  In fact, many
diseases stem from parasite invasion...that's why these specific critters we
have been studying are called INVADERS!!!

Here is a good web-site to click on for more information on this 
very dangerous topic.  I encourage you to find out more information
for yourself, so you will be well educated and can then share this
information with others.