Monday, October 25, 2010

Strengthen Your Immune System!

Strengthen Your Immune System

Now how do we keep ALL those invaders we've discussed out of our bodies?

Well, you may say that you don't have any of those horrible things inside of you because you feel just fine.  We all live in this world filled with all kinds of bugs, microscopic critters, pollution, germs, etc., and many times eat WRONG foods, ...SO...we all will have at some point or another any one or more of these invaders inside our bodies.  Yeah it's a nasty thought, but I am here to help give you some simple healthy guidelines on HOW TO be aware of the facts and WHAT TO DO about it.

Okay, here's a VERY IMPORTANT question I have to ask you, {as gross as you may say this question is, it's pertinent to the very point that I stated above}; how many times in one day do you eliminate your foods?  In other words, how many times do you go #two???!!!

I'll wait till I hear back from you, then fill you in on the correct, healthy answer!!

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