Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to Water!!!

Do you know why I am back talking about WATER?  It's because I did not take my own advice this week, and I have FELT the difference.  I noticed that I was not properly eliminating daily as I should (sorry, but this is one of the first signs!!).  I was tired and draggy; another sign, and I thought I was hungry late last night after having good meals that day, which make me wonder how much water I drank that day.  Then I realized that I only drank about 3 or 4 eight ounces cups of water all day!!   Yikes!  This is  SO much less than  I usually drink.  I have this big, purple {which is my favorite color} cup that is 24 oz.   I usually fill it up at least 3 times a day which = 9 eight ounce cups of water a day.  This is a little more than 'experts' recommend of water per day.   They usually recommend 6-8 eight ounce glasses of water a day.   Another factor to consider is that it is hot out,  so more fluid is necessary to replenish the water my body needs.                               

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