Saturday, August 14, 2010

Welcome and enjoy browsing this blog for some good and healthy tips just 4 You!

Begin your day with WATER!!!
Why?  You may ask....

 ...up to 60% of the human body is         
     WATER may NOT be hungry but just                                                          
    needing WATER

...flush your body with at least 8-10
   ounces of WATER a day!  First thing in the 
   morning, drink a big glass of water. 
   It helps you rid your body of 
   toxins and all your ingested food 
   from the day before.  Then throughout
   the day, drink more water...up to 10 8 oz.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck with your blog..Can't wait ..I know how you've been living healthy for about 40 years so you are chock full of stable and interesting advice!
