Sunday, August 22, 2010

Immune System

The immune system, which is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, defends people against germs and microorganisms every day. In most cases, the immune system does a great job of keeping people healthy and preventing infections. But sometimes problems with the immune system can lead to illness and infection.

This is a general overview of the IMMUNE SYSTEM. If you'd like a more thorough definition of your immune system, feel free to click on this link:

*   The immune system is one of the most important systems in our bodies.  It helps keep us strong and healthy especially when we take care to put in the right foods and nutrients.

*   Looking at the above diagram, you can see some of the harmful substances that try to invade our bodies at any given time.

** I am going to give a short explanation of each of these invaders one at a time, and I will summarize only one per blog.  This way, you can follow me step by step with a better understanding of each one.  My point in doing this is to make sure you know the severity of each one so you can stay far away from these harmful intruders.  I will begin telling you about the virus.

Virus is defined as any of a group of microscopic infectious agents reproduced only in living cells,  causing diseases such as; mumps, chicken pox, cold sores, the common cold, and more serious viruses such as Ebola, AIDS and influenza.  
    The origin of the virus is really not known.  A virus can be found in all organisms such as bacteria, plants, animals and in the unique and complex body of humans because all  are living and contain cells.  The virus attaches somewhere to the body, depending on the type of virus it is,  and penetrates into a cell which acts as a host for the virus.  Once inside the cell, the virus multiplies, and if not killed, will overtake that area bursting right through that good cell.  Note here that it is up to us to keep all of our cells good and healthy.  I will explain HOW TO accomplish this after the summary of each invader. 

Well I'll see you all on my next blog where I will discuss toxins.

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